Vicky is a little girl in Ghana. Her parents, Zenabu and Haddi, are both very poor
and they couldn't pay for health care for Zenabu during her pregnancy. They came to
us for help and we are able pay for the care she needed. Zenabu gave birth safely
in a hospital on January 31, 2023 and she and the baby made it through with no
But that didn't solve the basic problem that Zenabu and Haddi are very poor and
they have been struggling to care for baby Vicky and themselves. They live in a
very poor neighborhood that is dangerous for a little girl and for them as well.
It is their dream to own a small refrigerator so that they can sell fruit juices in
the marketplace, something they cannot do without being able to keep them fresh by
means of refrigeration. We have wanted to provide this for them but to date we
simply have not had the money to do it.
Vicky has also had respiratory problems and has been diagnosed with bronchitis. She
continues to have a rough-sounding cough.
Haddi sent our friend John in Ghana a message a few days ago that Zenabu had left.
The poverty was simply too much for her to bear. She left Vicky behind and she
became chilled and was unwell. An older neighbor lady took her in and took care of
her but she has basically been abandoned by her mother.
Haddi has to go out every day and collect scrap to sell to make a few dollars to
survive. He cares for Vicky when he comes home but during the day she is in the
care of the neighbor lady who so kindly has been helping them.
The whole situation is sad and depressing. John told me that Vicky is okay but they
badly need money for food and basic care.
This is one of those cases where a small amount of money for investment has the
potential to turn their lives around but for now they can only do what they can to survive.