Some time ago a young man named Benjamin saw a person drowning in the waters off
Accra, Ghana, and risked his own life to rescue them. This is how we came to know
of him.
Benjamin and his wife Belinda are very poor. She was in the last stages of
pregnancy and had had no doctor's treatment at all. They came to John asking for
We managed to get her in for an examination and it was decided that she should go
to her mother's village and stay there until the child was born. We managed to make
that possible and that is where she has been for the past few weeks.
We just received word that Belinda went into labor and delivered a little baby boy.
The baby came so quickly that she was forced to give birth at home because there
was no time to get her to the hospital.
The baby is fine but Belinda lost a great deal of blood. They rushed her to the
hospital where she is right now. She is in serious condition and badly needs blood.
So we have an immediate emergency. We are scrambling trying to get the funds to her
to pay for her care.
This is just a quick update. We will add more as we get more information.
Here is a photo of the new baby.
Update on Belinda Hospital Care Update
Belinda is a lady in Ghana who just gave birth to a little baby boy on Saturday,
September 28. The baby came so fast that they didn't have time to get her to the
hospital. The baby was fine but Belinda lost a great deal of blood. She needed to
be given blood transfusions and has been in hospital since last Saturday.
The good news is that Belinda is doing well and she should be released to the care
of her mother tomorrow. We will add more information as we learn more, but for now
it seems that she and the child are fine.