Favour is an eighteen
year old Nigerian girl living in Accra, Ghana. Last fall she
came to us asking for help. She was alone, and homeless, sleeping under a
table on the beach.
Since then life has been a struggle for Favour and her baby. The little boy has not
been in good health and several times he has needed medical treatment that Favour
needed help to pay for. Just providing the basic baby needs, even including food,
has been a challenge. And as if things weren't bad enough, they lost what little
they had and the baby almost perished in a fire that swept through the neighborhood
several months ago.
They have survived and finally the big moment has arrived. This past Sunday, April
7h, the baby will have his official naming ceremony that will make him a real
person and member of the community in his own right. This has been long delayed
because of lack of funds but now we are finally able to get it done.
Congratulations to both mother and baby in this milestone in their lives.