One year old Donald in Ghana has had a hard time in life since the day he was born.
Aside from the simple, basic problems of being the baby of a single mother with
very little money, he has battled illness, accident, and almost burning to death
when he was five weeks old. He is a tough little boy and has made it through his
problems but they just keep coming for the poor little guy.
Donald is just learning to walk and that is already leading to problems. A few days
ago he reached up to the stove and pulled a pan of boiling water down on himself.
He badly burned his had and one of his feet. Now his head is covered with boils.
Fortunately the hot water appears to have missed his face and especially it missed
his eyes. We do not yet have the complete details.
This is the second time something like this has happened to him. The first time his
mother, who is young and not well experienced in caring for a baby, bathed him in
water that was too hot and scalded his scalp. This time apparently it was pure
accident, the kinds of things exploring babies get into. But he seems to have hurt
himself badly. Hopefully there will be no serious side effects or after effects.