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Anabel Quick Update Update July 29, 2024

Updated: Aug 20

Anabel is a little girl in Ghana whose mother abandoned her when she was three

years old. She is now five years old and is staying in a child care center. Thanks

to very kind donors who have been there for us at every step of the way, Anabel is

doing well and has begun attending school associated with the care center to get

her education.

The fees there are somewhat irregular depending on what Anabel needs- food,

clothing, school supplies, and so forth. The madam caring for Anabel sends John a

message when the funds we have paid for Anabel are running low. Usually this

happens about twice a month. (It can be more often if Anabel has some medical

problem or if she needs special supplies for school, for example.) John then

transfers money into the school's mobile money account (a bank account run through

one's phone number) and everything is all settled until next time.

Because John was assaulted and injured earlier this month in the slum area of Accra

when checking on one of the other children he has been caring for, there was some

delay in transferring money to Anabel's madam but that was all taken care of last

Sunday and Anabel is good. Unfortunately it wasn't possible for him to get any new

photos of Anabel to post here but hopefully we will be able to do that next time.

In the meantime Anabel is healthy, fed, and she is being cared for.

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