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Anabel School Supplies - All Ready To Go! Update September 14, 2024

Anabel is a five year old orphan in Ghana. We have been helping to make it possible

for her to stay in a child care center where she can be taken care of and attend


Just last week Anabel started her second year of school but she needed basic school

supplies such as coloring books, crayons, pencils and the other basic things a

young student needs. We weren't able to pay for these in time for her to start

class with the other students so she had to endure several days of sitting

helplessly in class while the other children were participating with the teacher.

This is just a quick update to say that Anabel's school dues have been taken care

of and she is now fully active in class with all of the other children.

We are glad that Anabel will be treated just like all the other young students and is having

her opportunity to learn and prepare for her future.


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