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Update on John Update February 4, 2025


John in Ghana has helped with P9 Foundation for some years now, providing an

essential link to those in Ghana who ask for help in their times of extreme

personal need. John has been a solid advocate for the people there, arguing

forcefully on their behalf. He has faithfully delivered the funds to help them, in

most cases sending photos of himself literally handing them the money that has been

sent for them and, when possible, sending photographic copies of the various

receipts and documentation to prove that the money was actually spent correctly.

John has always gone out of his way to be scrupulously honest.

But John himself has had his own problems. He is not a wealthy man and his health

has been fragile for some time now. He has asked that we do not go into detail on

his problems and of course we will respect his request, but he has been suffering

from several different health conditions they have made his life difficult and have

often threatened his very survival.

John has recently been forced to undergo a series of operations in an attempt to

correct a particularly unpleasant problem that has made his life miserable. Over

the past few weeks it has been so bad that John finally left the place in Accra

where he was working with the poor and returned to his own home some distance away,

saying that if he was going to die he wanted to die among his own family and


The good news is that John had what will hopefully be the final operation to

correct the problem on the morning of the 3rd. He is now resting in hospital, too

weak to be released until Wednesday at the earliest. If things go as planned he

will recover his health and continue on with his life with no more pain or


We wish John the best.


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